What is Life Assurance? "A piece of paper, a drop of ink, a few pennies of premium and a promise to pay." It can be the best investment you ever make; "It will pay out the most when you need it the most" It will pay off mortgages, so that the family can remain together in their own home. It creates money where none existed before. It can guarantee the continuity of business or conserve the employer's investment. It provide cash if illness, injury, old age, or death cuts off the breadwinner's income. It brings dignity, peace of mind and security to your family. It supplies investment capital that makes the wheels turn and motors hum. It guarantees the financial ability to have happy holidays and the laughter of children.
Where appropriate we will help you place your plans in trust. A trust can ensure the right people get the right money at the right time, it can avoid the need to apply for probate and reduce tax. The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate trusts.